City Sisters are back with season 2 of their Hijab Trials where they show us how to do 3 different hijab styles. You can watch their previous videos
here. Unfortunately, I didn't like this video as much as the previous Hijab Trials. Too much fussing about with numerous large scarves does not make for an elegant or practical hijab style! Check it out for yourselves:
Here are my tips on how to achieve a more wearable style:
1. Avoid using the bulky plastic pins to pin the hijab at the neck. This will only cause you irritation, especially if you are also using a bulky scarf. Instead, use simple safety pins for more discreet fastening. There are a huge range of hijab pins on offer these days for use on the outside of the scarf. Check out the selection at Pinz Pinz Pinz.
2. With the 1st style shown in the video, there's no need to use 2 scarves. Instead, look for decorated bonnet caps. You can find ones with lace, beads and embroidery, not to mention the coloured headbands you can buy on the high street. This reduces the amount of bulk around your head, and means your hijab will stay in place much longer!
3. When doing layered styles, minimise the amount of fabric you use. If you have one large scarf, make sure the other is narrower and shorter, and substitute for bonnet caps and headbands where possible.