A couple of weeks ago I wrote about
savvy shopping on a budget, but before you join in the sales frenzy, check out a way to find new outfits for free...
Clothes swapping parties have really taken off recently, with the economic crisis, cheap labour and global warming all issues that the discerning fashionista is becoming increasing aware of. In the UK alone, 900,000 tonnes of shoes and clothes that are thrown away every year!

So what exactly does it involve?
The easiest way to hold a clothes swapping party is in your own home with a group of friends. But websites like Swishing also offer an easy way to organise and advertise on a larger scale. Guests are asked to bring with them any unwanted items of clothing, shoes and accessories in good condition, to swap with other guests. Sometimes attendees are charged a small entrance fee with proceeds going to charity, and any left over items donated to charity also. At Visa Swap, a nationwide campaign, celebrities and designers also donate items.
The advantages are that you get to get rid of your unwanted items, and re-stock your wardrobe for free! The parties are also a great way to network and make friends. Have any readers been to or organised a clothes swapping party before? They sound like a lot of fun...imagine a huge hijabi fashionista clothes swap? Hmm, sound like an idea ladies?