Here's something to get excited about:
Symmetry Fashion is a US-based company that
"was born out of a desire to create confident Muslim-American cultural expressions through fashion". They do not market themselves as solely an 'Islamic Clothing' company, and seek to reach out to anyone with an interest in different forms of head covering. Not only that, but Symmetry also donate a percentage of their net sales to organisations that empower people economically and educationally. Still wondering what exactly it is they do? Check out these photos:
Founded by Sarah Rashid, Symmetry produce practical, but pretty scarves. They are designed to be "pin-free, button-able, convertible and non-slip". Check out their how-to videos to see just how they work:
Their hijabs are based on layering a colourful headband with a 'base' scarf, something I wear often myself, and did a blog post about
here last year. I'm not fond of the way some of the scarves are styled without covering ears and neck properly, though that can be adjusted quite easily. I'm also not quite sure what to make of button-able hijabs! The company says that they are looking to branch into casualwear, formalwear and swimwear, and I'd be interested to see what they come up with!