Assalamualaikum Beautiful,
Alhamdulillah, finally.. The last bachelorette in Blogger Married finally got married! Yeaayy.. Do you know who is she??? Yes right, Siti Juwariyah.. Alhamdulillah.. The wedding was on Dec 9th, 2012 at Masjid Baittusalam, Kalimalang. I was so happy because her wedding is the most awaited wedding for me and our friends.. Hihihi..
I went there with my hubby and leave Kenza at my mom's house, and of course with ASIP (pumped asi) for him to drink. Usually it works.. Tapiiii.. Once I arrived at Siti&Mamet wedding, orang rumah mulai bombarded me with bbm and PING thousand times! They said Kenza can't stop crying to be breastfed and he didn't want the ASIP.. Waalaahhh.. Heboh dehh.. Mana mantennya baru dateng kaann.. But I know that I can't stay there any longer.. Jadilah aku langsung pulang without salaman ama yang punya hajat.. Huhuhu.. Through this post, I would like to apologize to Siti and Mamet for not being able to stay longer in your wedding due to emergency call from home that Kenza is crying for Amam's milk..
Siti dan Mamet, once again congratulations for your new life.. New journey.. Mudah-mudahan pernikahan kalian menjadi pernikahan yang selalu diberkahi Allah SWT, bahagia selalu, dan senantiasa menjadi keluarga yang sakinah, mawaddah, warohmah.. You should know that marriage life is happier, funner, more challenging and full of tolerance.. Hihihi.. Once again congrats sayaaang...
What I wear:
Inner Ninja (broken white): Such! by Suci Utami
Scarf (broken white): Such! by Suci Utami cerruti series
Top: Selcuk Frostya by @miyromiiy (highly recommended)